How to put Amazon Echo shopping list items in Wunderlist

First off, if you use iOS and don’t have an Echo, use Kitchen Sync for your shopping list. It’s organizes everything by area and works with iCloud so it’s super easy to share a list with your family. Plus Adam is a good guy.

We use Wunderlist for our shopping list, so I set up an IFTTT recipe to put our Echo’s shopping list into Wunderlist.

Here’s how you can too:

  1. Go to Mail to Wunderlist Settings and set your Gmail address to go to your shopping list.
  2. Add this recipe (be sure to put as the email address):IFTTT Recipe: Add Alexa shopping list items to Wunderlist connects amazon-alexa to gmail

Some caveats: IFTTT checks the shopping list roughly every 15 minutes, so if something is time sensitive you’re better off using the Wunderlist app. It also doesn’t update the Alexa shopping list when you check it off in Wunderlist, but who looks at the Alexa shopping list anyway?